Browse Items (15 total)

BRA to HRS in PotR, 1923.png
Ambedkar writes to one of his former economics professors at Colummbia, Henry R. Seager, that he is sending the copy "as a token of high esteem and regard."

LLR to ERAS, 1917.11.30.png
Rai writes to Seligman that he has "not tried Longman's and will appreciate your writing me a letter." He also tells the professor that his "England's Debt to India" is out and that by "tomorrow morning" he is "hoping to have a copy left at your…

LLR to ERAS, 1916.07.23.png
Rai tells Seligman that the Evening Post "acccepted three articles, one of which was published in Friday's issue." He also informs Seligman that he has "started work on a new book to be called what England owes to India

LLR to ERAS, 1916.07.18.png
Rai sends Seligman the reply he "just received from Mr. [Charles Ransom] Miller." He also writes that "Mr. [Rollo] Ogden" was "very busy" and asked Rai to "see him again."

LLR to ERAS, 1916.07.10.png
Rai thanks Seligman for a "letter of introduction." He tells Seligman that "President [Oswald Garrison] Villard" and "Mr. [John Palmer] Gavit," managing editor of the New York Evening Post, asked him to "write three articles on India for them."

LLR to ERAS, 1916.06.15.png
Lajpat Rai thanks Seligman for the "invitation I have received for the Women's Conference of the Society for Ethical Culture." Letter includes a brief resume of Rai's career.

BRA to ERAS, 1924.06.03.jpg
Ambedkar sends Seligman a copy of Problem of the Rupee, writing "I hope you will be glad to have a copy of this production of one who is proud to be your student." Ambedkar also asks Seligman to send him the Preface to "Evolution of Provincial…

ERAS to BRA, 1922.02.28.jpg
Seligman tells Ambedkar that the subject of his new thesis is "certainly an interesting one." He also writes that once Ambedkar sends the new thesis, he will have a member of the economics faculty review it.

BRA to ERAS, 1922.02.16.jpg
Ambedkar writes that since he lost the "manuscript of [his] original [Ph.D] thesis when the steamer was torpedoed on my way back to India in 1917," he plans on submitting a new thesis titled "The Stabilization of the Indian Exchange" for the Ph.D. at…

BRA to ERAS, 1921.02.26.jpg
Ambedkar informs Seligman that he has located a new set of publications by the National Monetary Commission of the U.S. He writes that he has finished his research work in London and will be "therefore obliged" to receive Seligman's letters of…
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